Thursday, December 08, 2005

Time is of the Essence

Time is of the Essence

"Time is of the essence" This a phrase I often said and repeated in my growing up years. I don't know where I had pick it up, but it sound deep and profound to me as a child, so I took hold of it, and used it myself. Whenever something seemed important and time was a factor to the equation, to get the task done: I would quote those words "time is of the essence".

Remember as a child how slow time went. I could not wait to be out of school, and I mean out of school for good. I hung out with my momma a lot as a younger child and being the baby of the family, I was with my mom much of the time. My mom seem to always be killing time. 'What are we doing' I would ask as we would drive around the same block 3 times to wait and pick up my older brother from school; my mom would reply, 'we are killing time'. Great now I was an accomplice to the murder of time, with my own mother.

I don't know about you, but these days I don't have 'time to kill'. I wish I could have both the time that my momma and I killed, and the time it took to kill time. Oh, how I miss that time. It was the best of times. But all I have now is the time at hand. I have repented of killing time. I no longer take the time of killing time. I have found out, it is after all, just a big waste of time.

Time is like a dollar, you can spend it however you wish, but once you spend it, it is gone.
So really 'time is of the essence' We are here today and gone tomorrow. 'For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.'-James 4: 14b

Me and the Ladies

Not long ago, I went to the Golden Arches (McDonald's) for lunch. I took a book in with me.(I take a book with me where-ever I go) I was going to eat and read a little: when I notice a white haired lady approaching my way, I gave her a courtesy smile and she gave me one in return. She too had a book in hand. She evidently saw my open book and ask me 'what are you reading?' I told her, than asked 'what are you reading?' then this frail lady told me the name of the book; she was about to read. I invited this elderly lady to sit down with me. She accepted and from then on, she proceeded to share her life story with me. I listened intently and I enjoyed hearing her explain to me how the providential hand of God wrote her life story. Would you believe it, I was there for three hours conversing with this lady, and yet it seemed like three minutes. Shortly, after that encounter I found myself counseling a 65 year old lady (for 2 hours) who had recently lost her husband. I was able to direct her to good resources for the grieving.

I got checked into a Mental Ward

A few weeks ago I was checked into a mental ward. That's right! I am an owner and operator of a window cleaning business. I travel from where I live here in southern Oregon to clean windows in the Bay area . I work in a lot of hospitals. I had to check in at the desk of the mental ward before entering to clean their windows. As far as the rest of the hospital I had to knock on the door of each patient room upon entering, most are not cognizant: others think I am their nurse wanting to hand me their bedpans. Without tripping over tubes and wires I make my way over to the window to clean it. I like to joke around with the patient, so I ask 'how do you like your stay here at the Hilton . And I like to tell them now that their window is clean their rent will double. Most however are not cognitive of what's going on, they are on the verge of passing out of this life into the next. Many I know are bound for Hell. Few are homeward bound to Heaven. Seeing this really gets me to thinking about time and my relationship to it. How life is so fragile, and Oh so short. Many of these people die alone with the glowing idol (TV) before their eyes. I DON'T WANT TO DIE LIKE THIS. Not that it's all up to me how I will die. However, First I want make my life count. Please no TV, no Oprah or any other foolish empty worldliness. Read me from the Bible, sing me a godly edifying song. And I don't want to die alone. If I had it my way, I would like to die like Stonewall Jackson with my wife (Future) leaning over me as I comfort and encourage her to continue to fight the good fight. And all my children present and grandchildren, to pray a blessing upon their heads.

Time to Live

Over three years ago I had to watch my father die. As I stood by his side, I took his hand, and he looked up at me as a stranger. He had alzheimer's . He was 81 years old. And his body was all shutting down. He had been healthy all his life. I will talk about him later as I will write a blog giving him a tribute. But for now I just want to say that death has always been around me, especially growing up with older parents. But I have been moved in heart from seeing so many in our Hospitals dying alone; hopelessly. I want to live my life loud. I want to make an impact in our wicked generation. I want to make my life count. 'For to me, to live is Christ...Philippians 1:21a. I understand the rest of the verse to die is gain. Sure heaven, loved ones that have gone before us, no pain, no suffering, no sin, and coarse being with Jesus. But what does 'to live is Christ' mean? That I think I have meditated on more than any other verse in the entire Bible. Jesus Christ is the reason for being.'Time is of the essence' I will use the rest of my time to learn of Christ and what it means to live is Christ.

How Do They Do All That?

I enjoy reading a good biography. The first one that I had read was on the life of 'John Wesley'. How could he accomplish so much? He wrote over 500 books, between him and his brother 'Charles' they wrote over 6000 hymns. And the list goes on, how could he do so much? I recently took home a booklet from Church 'Priorities mastering time management' by James C. Petty. I thought I needed to get more prioritize so I could have more hours of the day. Well, I was 20 hours over per month and I still don't know where to cut back. I want to practice 1 hour a day at least on the guitar, I am learning the Djembe( African drum). I have to read, study the bible, pray, cook, and work. I have a 3 year paid membership at 24 Hour Fitness that I have not used in months. I joined toastmaster (a public speaking club) I am taking classes on the internet. I want to memorize books of the Bible verse by verse (I am going to start with Galatians since that is perhaps my favorite book) Then there are things I wish I could do like learn Greek, Hebrew, take singing lessons (If you heard me you'd know why) Dance lessons, many kinds of dance ( If you'd seen me you would know why). I'd like to sky dive (it might take some time to get the nerve to do it) Write a good reform book ( endorsed by J.I. Packer of course ) and catch up on reading. ( that's more unlikely than all the desire put together) get married and make 12 babies ( this sometimes seems the most unlikely) Well the list can go on and on, but time does not. For 'Time is of the essence'.
redeeming the time, because the days are evil. -Ephesians 5:16


Blogger Julianne said...

Gosh, Daniel. That was really heartfelt. Thank you for being so transparent and open. God bless you this weekend.

8:21 AM  
Blogger Daniel Mann said...


11:56 AM  
Blogger Ron said...


First, thank you for your comments. I would certainly enjoy discussing with you, but I must tell you that I do not debate with other believers. I have learned that it does nothing to further the Kingdom, because each one is trying to prove that they are right. My purpose is to enlighten, edify and encourage. I precede with that so that you understand that at some point, if we do not see common ground, then I will agree to disagree. You are a child of God, and the most wonderful part of that is this: I have never met you, yet we will spend eternity together worshipping Him. Consequently, I do not want to be the cause of one of my brothers stumbling.

I do not label myself as anything but a follower of Christ, a son of God, a servant. Havung said all of that, I am preparing a response for you that I will post here. I am honored to meet you through the blogsphere, and I am looking forward to learning from you!

6:30 PM  
Blogger Ron said...


I must apologize, but I left a response to your comment on Julianne' blog. I thought it would be best to try to keep it all together. I look forward to your feedback.

2:03 AM  
Blogger Daniel Mann said...

Ron: I will respond, I am going out of town for two days, when I get back I will

God bless

1:56 PM  
Blogger stephen said...

Ron said,

"First, thank you for your comments. I would certainly enjoy discussing with you, but I must tell you that I do not debate with other believers. I have learned that it does nothing to further the Kingdom, because each one is trying to prove that they are right. My purpose is to enlighten, edify and encourage."

Thank you Ron! I have been trying to say that for years!

6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hebrew and Greek is something I have always wanted to learn too, ever since I picked up the bible. And while I am it I would love to learn Aramaic too. Wouldn't it be great to read the bible in the languages that it was originally written in? To know, to understand, to be able to see what may have been changed.

9:49 PM  

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