Sunday, May 22, 2005

Pagan Lies

Paganism is on the rise! Yet, there is to be sure, nothing new under the sun. Repackaged lies for hungry, worldly consumers. Guest Lecturer Dr.Peter Jones has got the pulse, on the current global culture. So here I will give an outline of his lecture. His lecture was not so much on Dan Brown's book "The Da Vinci Code" and it's construed lies and fabrications ,but rather the focus was on paganisms war against Thesistic Theism. Paganism is opposed to God, and all the distinctions God has created. It undermines biblical Christianity, and substitutes a cheap "new"spirituality. Which has an emergence of estotericism , and leads to a revival of alternate spiritualities, and secret societies that will emerge in the culture as paganism grows.

Dan Brown, and others promoting this paradigm shift want to see the rehabilitation of pagan symbols .Such as the circle -that speaks of oneness, and togetherness, and unity. The pentagram, the Baphomet- symbol for wisdom. The goddess- symbol of nature.

Dr.Peter Jones gave five points of paganism. 1.all is one 2.all humanity is one 3.all religions are one 4.there is one problem ( they would say, we are sleeping, we are ignorant) 5.there is one solution ( they would say we need to be awaken to the fact that we are divine, we are gods or god)

The high goals of pagan spiritituality are; stress reduction such as yoga ,which means link to god, not the God of the bible. A sense of belonging-discovering one's true self-saving humanity-reinventing the human. Practical methods pagans part take in are; meditation (eastern) silence the mind ( the mind is to be, bypassed by not thinking, using mantra's). Communion with animals. This all leads pagans to the nature of the experience, liberation (freedom from God and guilt) possession (feels good, high emotions) True knowledge (they believe they are given enlightenment)

All this for the purpose of taking control- a.taking control by joining the opposites ( no differerentials) b.taking control sexually c.taking control via psychology d.taking control via astology e.taking control ethically f.taking control of philosophy h.taking control of the planet.

So, here is a little taste of what we fighting against.

"We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, (2. Cor 10:5)


Blogger Daniel Mann said...

Hello Jessica,
Thank you for the compliment,and for checking out this blog site.I hope it can be of service to you,and to provoke you to love (God Dt 6:4)and good works.(Heb 10:24)

Your right! Paganism has sliped into the church,Dr.Peter Jones wrote a book about that as well, called "Pagans in the Pews". My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...(Hosea. 4:6a)

May God, draw near to you as you draw near to him.(James 4:8a)
All for His Glory

9:02 PM  

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